In moments of pressure!

In the last blog, I was sharing about being conscious about Life’s fragility, and days after that I was checking in with myself and felt like I am so behind schedule with many things that I had planned and this drove me into a dark place where I was no longer present and started worrying about the future and the next season. The pressure I felt took me from a place of gratitude and consciousness to a place of depression and ungratefulness.

How many times have the pressure of the next season, result, or achievement rob us from enjoying and doing what we need to do in the season we are – so that we are ready and without regrets when the next comes. Whenever I get overwhelmed by life and the feeling of not making the desired progress comes – I practice the following:

Regaining focus – I give myself some grace in that moments of feeling overwhelmed and then I bring my focus back to the season I am in by asking myself where I am and usually this question helps me define many things like what am I supposed to be doing? What are the things I need to master in this season? What are the things I can’t control? What can I do while waiting? We get overwhelmed when we are distracted but laser focus brings better perspective and peace and the good thing is we can practice regaining our focus daily especially when it feels like we have thousand one hundred things to do.

Trusting the creator – I take comfort in knowing that He who created me and numbered my days knows exactly the season I am in and whether it’s an uncomfortable or a season of long waiting I just trust that God will carry me through by giving me enough grace. The other day I went hiking with my husband and on the top of the mountain is an old ruined fortress – when we reached the top we spent time with some members of our family and baby Valentin who is almost 2 is very adventures and hinted that I take him around the fortress and as we were exploring we entered some routes that were difficult and we had to do some climbing or jumping from one side to another but for Valentin, he trusted that I will help him navigate in those difficult corners and many times I had to say “langsam , langsam Valentin” as he didn’t hold back but this experience made me realize the importance of trusting God and having a child-like faith because he knows even the very difficult seasons in our lives and can help us navigate or tell us “langsam, langsam” which translates slowly, slowly in German.

God’s word gives me this assurance of trusting him as Acts 17:25 – 26 “He is the One who gives life and breath and everything to everyone. 26 He made from one blood all nations who live on the earth. He set the times and places where they should live.”

He knows exactly where you are and he sees you because he is El Roi – God who sees me!

Beloveds, you need to understand that no season is permanent including the ones that you feel you are on top of the mountain but finishing the season we are in well will determine our growth and readiness for the next season! Just like any parent entrusts their children with more responsibilities, benefits, and freedom on the basis of their growth and readiness so is life – LIFE happens on the basis of growth and readiness!

Where are you? Find yourself and Embrace the season you are in!

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