The consciousness of life’s fragility!

So much has happened in the last two years and it has affected our consciousness, so much so that we just going with the flow, ensuring our safety and survival. More than ever we can see across the globe how fragile life is – there’s a saying in our local language that translates as “you can’t re-patch the soul” meaning once the soul leaves the body even accidentally you can’t bring it back to patch it or repair it.

If we can’t get back life once it’s lost how can we then live better so that we are not afraid of dying? The answer lies between the consciousness of Life’s fragility – which is the uncertainty of how much time you have before dying and fulfilling your PURPOSE.

The fact that we don’t have control over the day of our death should make us PAUSE, and firstly express GRATITUDE that we have survived until now but also at the same time make us realize that we can’t continue living as if we are immortal – the clock is ticking! Secondly, there is definitely a reason as to why YOU survived this deadly virus- find the PURPOSE as to why. Finally, take stock of your life – what do you have, what do you really want, what do you need to let go of, and what do you need to acquire for the life you want to live and the legacy you want to be remembered for.

I want you to start this new month by being conscious of life’s fragility and to know that death is the inevitable way for all humanity – wisdom is living as if you will die at any moment, whereas ignorance is believing you have time to make things right and live the life you desire.

I want to leave you with some food for thought; what comes to your mind when you think about death? What would you do differently if you knew you or a loved one were going to die anytime soon? Have you realized how fragile life is especially looking at the lives that were lost during the pandemic? Have you ever thought about what you want people to say at your funeral? If you also believe that there is an afterlife – what is the account you want to give for the life you lived on earth?

The new era we entered necessitates a PURPOSE-DRIVEN tribe that will remain committed to pushing humanity forward. This generation is counting on YOU to make an impact and you have only this lifetime to do so!

Value the time you have but live like you have no time left!

Cheers to conscious living!

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