The Dawn of a New Era

It’s another year into the a way of life we are not used to, and there are still no effective solutions to the current global pain – you’re probably wondering what the future holds when there’s a deadly pestilence moving around, devouring our lives and livelihoods, and what one does do when the future looks hazy. I just want to reassure you that there is hope and that humanity will survive this plague – God made a promise not to wipe out humankind after the flood, of which Noah’s household was the remnant. Therefore, in the midst of this global pain, I can assure you that you are taking a step towards a hazy future.

The last few days of 2021 were extremely foggy in the area where I live, and when I stepped outside for my morning run, I could almost see nothing. My first thoughts were that it might not be a good day to run, but since I was already prepared to run, I went ahead and did it. While on the route, I had this epiphany just as I ran my first 100 meters that you need perseverance to take the first 10 steps in the future that looks foggy, and when you do, you start to see that you can go forward and take the next steps until the fog disappears, and YES, the current fog has lasted far longer than a foggy morning, but this too shall pass.

The Lord has been ministering to me about the dawn of a new era for the last few months because the world in which we were born no longer exists. Everything we knew is changing – the way we conduct church, business, and relationships is no longer the same. God is doing something new, and it has already begun; all we need to do now is perceive it and begin to move into it.

God is not surprised by what is happening in the world; we simply need to be awaken in order to understand that the current global pain is the spirit’s womb contracting to bring forth the next industry leaders and kingdom ambassadors.

We are at the start of a new era, at a critical juncture between what we knew and what we do not know. I would like to draw our attention to the most important aspect of your existence, which is your Purpose. Have you given any thought to how you see yourself or your company in this new era? How will you carry out your mission in an era unlike any other? Our purpose, you see, does not change with the seasons because it is a treasure deposited into an earthly vessel by God; it is only the avenues, platforms, and markets that change because they are controlled by world systems and algorithms.

I am not just finding myself at the dawn of a new era but also in a new season in my life. Where I am no longer in the corporate world earning money or instead of back to back meetings now the schedule is around home keeping, writing, gardening, and networking with people who are on the similar journey as mine. Maybe you are also in a different season or perhaps you are also foreseeing the new era and wondering how you should navigate.

The new era is unknown but we can figure it out together – you can do so by subscribing to my monthly letter and following me on all social media platforms to be informed about our very First online webinar dealing with how to re-strategize, emerge and navigate the foggy future.

Progressive new year and I hope you found the needed rest and time for reflection.

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